Black BeeOme™

The Secret of Black Bee Ome

Black BeeOme™

The Secret of Black Bee Ome

Expert in Managing the Scalp Ecosystem

Black BeeOme™ is an elixir that is obtained by fermenting the honey of a rare and old honey bee species. The honey of this extremely resistant dark bee is produced in isolated Swiss mountain valleys and it is fermented with the bacteria Zymomonas mobilis.

In vitro and clinical studies have shown that after washing, Black BeeOme™ promotes faster regeneration of the scalp flora and restoration of the scalp barrier. In addition, fermented black bee honey reduced sebum production and improved the uniformity of oily and uneven scalp conditions. When applied in a scalp treatment, Black BeeOme™ demonstrated significant improvement of impure scalp conditions in volunteers living in urban, polluted areas after only 15 minutes of a single application. This indicates its potential as a powerful ingredient in hair care products aimed at enhancing scalp health, managing oiliness, and protecting against environmental stressors.

Your Hair, Your Brand

Empowering more women with confident beauty

Black Bee Ome: Our Patented Ingredient

Yes! It is our patented ingredient!

Proven efficacy

• Reduces sebum production 
• Regenerates the  microflora after washing
• Protects and strengthens barrier